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21 & 22 Mar (Sat & Sun)
11AM - 7PM
Hankow Room II, 6/F, The Peninsula Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui

曼谷年度現樓王Q Siam

毗鄰Siam BTS站及Paragon商場


🔹位於曼谷正正市中心,Siam區多年來新盤供應極罕,一盤難求,Q Siam為永久業權現樓發售項目

🔹毗鄰Siam BTS雙線站及4大商場:Central World、Paragon、Discovery及Siam Square One






登記:3468 7299

WhatsApp:6187 9014 (按此查詢)





Seminar Theme

免費講座:12pm & 3pm想移居泰國曼谷?專家教你零成本申請居留簽證,分析曼谷鐵路沿線地區的樓價走勢、租金回報

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項目IDEO Q SIAM RATCHATHEWI由泰國實力發展商 Ananda 及日本三井不動產聯合開發,位於Siam最繁華地段,比鄰多間大型商場,例如Siam Discovery, Siam Center,  Siam Paragon, Siam Square One 同 Central World 等等。鄰近BTS Ratchathewi站和Siam站、機場快線Phaya Thai 總站、和預計2022 年底開通的MRT Pratunam站,三線匯聚,貫通全曼谷。



Details are correct at time of going to press. Computer generated images are for illustrative purposes only. #Travel times and walking times are approximate and for reference only. *Terms and conditions applied. The information contained in this publication, its pictures and other related material issued by FM Investment Group Limited are for information purposes only. All descriptions and other particulars are given in good faith and are believed to be correct. Readers are advised to make their own enquiries to verify such information. We and our representatives or affiliates only work in relation to real estate situated outside Hong Kong therefore FM Investment Group Ltd., its representatives and its affiliates are exempted from obtaining license under the Estate Agents Ordinance (Cap. 511 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to deal with real estate outside Hong Kong and we are not licensed to deal with any property situated in Hong Kong. property number: THA44